Getting ready for Akademy

Next week Akademy, KDE’s annual community conference, will take place in Würzburg, Germany. There are a few features that I actually began during various conferences throughout the years to address real-world problems. I decided to have look at some of them again that would be most useful for people travelling to Akademy from abroad or who will be giving a presentation there.

Plasma network popup showing a viewfinder with a QR code and instructions “Connect to a Wi-Fi network by scanning its QR code.”
Connect to a Wi-Fi network by scanning its QR code
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Fresh Breeze Dialog Icons

The Breeze icons used in message boxes always felt a little odd with a status icon placed inside some kind of speech bubble, effectively an icon within an icon. Three months ago they got replaced by more simplistic ones that I felt didn’t fit very well either. Therefore I put my Inkscape skills to the test and created a new set of Breeze-style dialog icons.

Three message boxes staggered: red octagon with a cross “This is an error”, orange triangle with exclamation point “Be careful, please”, blue circle with an I “Everything is alright”
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A Fresh Perspective on Things

Can you believe it’s already been almost half a year since Plasma 6.0 came out? Time really flies! The other day I went through some of my 50+ open merge requests on KDE’s GitLab and took another stab at them. Some are four years old at this point but it definitely helped to let them sit for a while and finish them with a fresh new perspective and clear mind.

Dolphin file manager, Places panel hovered "USB Stick", tooltip reads "/media/USB (from /dev/sdb1), 28.8 of 2.98 GiB Free (3 % used)"
Places panel tooltip indicating mount point, device name, and free space information
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